“Access Routes” project hosts Estonian partners in Vidzeme

On 18 and 19 April 2024 together with colleagues from the Vidzeme Planning Region we [...]

“Access Routes” project starts accessibility inspections in Kurzeme

Kurzeme Planning Region together with NGO Apeirons have started accessibility inspections in Kurzeme. During whole [...]

“Access Routes” project experience exchange visit in Sweden

On 5-8 March 2024 project partners from Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Estonia went for an experience [...]

“Access Routes” project experience exchange visit in Estonia

On 15-16 February 2024, 30 project representatives from Kurzeme and Vidzeme regions visited Estonia to [...]

“Access Routes” local project forum in Saldus

On 24 January 2024 in Saldus, together with NGO Apeirons, municipalities from Kurzeme, tourism specialists [...]

First partner meeting in project “Access Routes”

On 26-27 October the Access Routes project partners met at Šlokenbeka Manor in Kurzeme for [...]

EE-LV00043 “Development of accessible tourism routes” (Access Routes)

PROJECT OBJECTIVE Expand the chain of accessible nature tourism destinations on mapeirons.eu and develop 30 [...]


Expand the chain of accessible nature tourism destinations on mapeirons.eu and develop 30 accessible 1-3 day routes in Latvia and Estonia.

 Implementation period
01.10.2023. – 31.03.2026.

€ 1 118 217,50, including funding of ERDF € 894 574,00

 Project manager
Alise Lūse                                                        +371 67331634
+371 26567874

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